Success Stories 

Education and Career Success Stories From the Pacific Area 

Sione`s Story

Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.

Doctrine and Covenants 130:18
John's Story 'The only person that limits me is me and the Lord'
Sione's Story '...when you understand the doctrine of education then your attitude and behaviour will change towards education'
'I did it and so can you!' Watch Tui's story to see how she opened the windows of heaven. 'Obedience is the key'
Fiji Education Story (BYU-Hawaii Testimonies) '...the main purpose of this campus is to send out leaders to build the kingdom.'
Annie - The Macho Mini A story of self-reliance and sweet success
My Main Motivation - Pare's Pathway Pare Tukiri's Story is about her journey to become more self-reliant, not just for her family, but for herself as well. By enrolling in the online Pathway course through BYU-Idaho she is now more able to support her family in variety of ways.
You can do it! - Latu's Story After leaving school at the age of 10 to help look after her family, it is amazing to see what Latu has accomplished (A+ with a 4.0 GPA) as she seeks further education to become self reliant.

We want your Self-Reliance success stories

We are always looking for great stories about how the Self-Reliance Initiative has influenced lives. Submit your Self-Reliance success stories to